
Gov. Noem on Biden Vaccine Mandates: ‘We Will Defend and Protect Our People From This Unlawful Mandate’

South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem (R) shredded Biden’s vaccine mandates that would require millions of Americans who work in the private sector to be vaccinated against the Wuhan coronavirus.

In an interview on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Noem doubled-down on her stance against Biden’s vaccine mandates announced last week and explained how she’s going to fight it as Governor of South Dakota. As we reported, Noem was one of several Republican governors who came out against Biden’s vaccine mandates, tweeting “South Dakota will stand up to defend freedom. @JoeBiden see you in court.”

“The president actually said in his speech today that this wasn’t about freedom and personal choice at all. Which I think is indicative of what’s really in his heart and his agenda he’s got for this country.” Noem said in the interview. “We will defend and protect our people from this unlawful mandate.” 

Noem continued, noting that the federal government is overstepping its role by mandating vaccines rather than allowing states to implement their own mandates regarding vaccines.

“This is not a power that is delegated to the federal government. This is a power for states to decide. In South Dakota, we’re going to be free and we’re going to make sure that we don’t overstep our authority,” Noem added.

Before wrapping up, Noem noted that her legal team is already at work to push back against Biden’s vaccine mandate agenda and ripped into Biden’s hypocrisy throughout his entire presidency so far.

“He is a huge hypocrite. He said he’d create jobs and he’s destroying jobs. He said he’d love America and protect us, and then he makes friends with the Taliban and compromises our southern border,” Noem explained. “It’s unbelievable to me what he’s doing. I knew he’d wreck this country – that’s why I campaigned so hard for President Trump – I had no idea anyone alive could wreck this country as fast as Joe Biden is.”

Other Republican governors, state attorneys general, and Members of Congress have come out against Biden’s vaccine mandates. 

Watch the interview below.