
LA Tech Professor Tweets Support for Rand Paul's Neighbor

This is becoming a pattern. Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) will publicly embarrass Dr. Anthony Fauci, as he did on Tuesday, and someone will think it's funny to make a comment about the assault Sen. Paul endured from neighbor Rene Boucher, which resulted in five broken ribs and subsequent bouts of pneumonia which nearly killed him. 

"Where do I donate to Rand Paul's neighbor's senate campaign," Drew McKevitt, an associate professor of history at Louisiana Tech University tweeted on Tuesday night. 

He proceeded to engage with YAF's Julia Johnson and Louisiana Association of College Republican's Barstool Beb! using explicit language, and even quipped that he didn't know there had been "violent assault."

The assault committed by Boucher was not over "property claims," but rather because Boucher said he "had enough" of Sen. Paul stacking brush which was close to Boucher's property, but was on the Paul'a own lawn.

Dr. Fauci and Sen. Paul, who is also a doctor, engaged in a back-and-forth yesterday morning in which Paul promised Fauci "there will be responsibility for those who funded the lab, including yourself," and told Fauci that "you are obfuscating the truth."

As Katie reported on Wednesday, a criminal referral has been delivered to Attorney General Merrick Garland with Sen. Paul alleging that Dr. Fauci lied to Congress about gain of function research.