
Dan Crenshaw and Tom Cotton Have Had It with the Dangers of 'Woke Ideology' Coming to the Military

Earlier this month, Townhall reported on the plight of Space Force Lt. Col. Matthew Lohmeier, who was relieved of his duties for criticizing Marxism and how he feared it was coming to the military. People are taking notice and sticking up for Lohmeier, including Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) and Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR). Both of them have served, Crenshaw as a Navy SEAL and Cotton as an Army Captain.

The military was aware of Lohmeier's self-published book, "Irresistible Revolution: Marxism’s Goal of Conquest and the Unmaking of the American Military." That he promoted and expanded upon its ideas during a podcast, though, was enough for his superiors to be concerned that his criticisms "constituted prohibited partisan political activity."

Sen. Cotton's Twitter account shared a tweet of him meeting with Lohmierer, as well as the senator noting he wants military members who have similar concerns to contact him.

A tweet from Rep. Crenshaw alerted that should any whistleblower wish to come forward, there will be a form for him or her to do so via the congressman's office, which will be shared with Sen. Cotton's office. With written permission, they will share such anonymous complaints to "expose" how "progressive Pentagon staffers have been calling the shots for our warfighters, and spineless military commanders have let it happen."

Crenshaw and Cotton are just two of many lawmakers to rush to come to Lohmeier's aid and raise such concerns about this priority of "woke ideology" in the military, to quote Rep. Crenshaw's tweet. Houston Keene highlighted many examples in his report for Fox News earlier this month.

Lohmeier's book currently ranks fourth on Amazon, and has been performing consistently well. The paperback version is still sold out.