
'They're Destroying Our Country': Trump Sounds Off on Biden's Decision to Roll Back Immigration Policies

Former President Donald Trump on Tuesday slammed President Joe Biden's policy decisions that have resulted in an unprecedented number of illegal crossings along the United States' southern border.

"President Biden's first order of business on Jan. 20th and 21st was to overturn your policies at the border: immediately stop construction on the wall, triggering an onslaught of new illegal immigration," Fox News' Maria Bartiromo said. "Your reaction: do you believe this would not have happened had he not overturned your policies?" 

"Well, my policies were working better than they'd ever seen on the southern border. The wall was almost complete," Trump replied.

According to the 45th president, small sections of the border needed to be completed, something he believes could have been completed in one month's time. 

"They're destroying our country. People are coming in by the hundreds of thousands. Young children are coming in. They leave their homes and they're coming up because they believe it's going to be so wonderful and, frankly, our country can't handle it," Trump explained. "It's a crisis like we've rarely had and certainly never had on the border but it's going to get much worse. What you're seeing now is very bad. Record numbers but it's going to get much, much worse. With a little bit of time you're going to see those numbers expand at a level you've never seen before."

The former president stated that Mexican President Andres Obrador had a vital role in preventing illegal aliens from coming to the United States' southern border. Obrador had tens of thousands of Mexican soldiers stationed at the U.S.-Mexico border. But Mexico also deployed roughly 6,000 soldiers to the Mexico-Honduras border. That manpower prevented migrants from ending up at the United States by stopping them in their tracks. 

Trump cited his tough stance on illegal immigration as a reason America was able to crack down on human and drug trafficking. 

"We did a lot of things and all of that is now eroded," the former president said. 

Not only are migrants from Central America arriving at the southern border, Trump said, but they're now coming from other countries, like Yemen and other nations in the Middle East.