
Kamala Harris Displays Even More #MeToo Hypocrisy As Domestic Violence Claims Mount Against Raphael Warnock

More scandal haunts Reverend Raphael Warnock’s bid for the Senate after newly-released police body cam footage shows a domestic dispute with his now-ex-wife. His now-ex-wife, Oulèye Ndoye, told police at the time that Warnock is a “great actor” and a “phenomenal at putting on a really good show” after he allegedly ran over her foot with his car. She added that Warnock prioritizes his reputation and Senate hopes over all else.

Warnock denies any wrongdoing and has received minimal scrutiny regarding these allegations. Other members of his party, including Vice President-elect Kamala Harris, are radio silent thus far on the newly-released video.

The same vice president-to-be, who claims to be an advocate for the #MeToo movement, is silent thus far on the credible allegations of domestic violence by Warnock; previously, she championed the sham “believe women” standard for adjudicating misconduct cases, when the accused party was a conservative nominated to serve on the highest court. During the confirmation hearings for then-Judge Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court, Harris insisted that claims of misconduct brought forth by Christine Blasey Ford against Kavanaugh should be believed at face-value, without proper due process. 

This is not Harris’ first instance of hypocrisy on the #MeToo movement, of course; she previously said that she believed the women who accused President-elect Joe Biden of sexual impropriety, before Biden eventually offered her the vice presidential slot. 

Harris’ fluid stance on the #MeToo movement is laden with hypocrisy, and the vice president-elect continues to prove that political expediency takes priority. If Warnock were a member of the Republican party, Harris would undoubtedly deem the claims against him disqualifying for a Senate candidate.