
Add This Governor to the List of Democrats Caught Breaking Their Own COVID Restrictions

Democratic Rhode Island Gov. Gina Raimondo appears to have broken her own coronavirus lockdown rules. Just days after telling residents to stay home except for essential activities, the governor was spotted sipping a glass of wine at a local restaurant. 

Rhode Islanders have been under a three-week "pause" since Nov. 20. It is part of the state's effort to slow the spread of the coronavirus. On Dec. 7, Gov. Raimondo repeated her call for residents to stay home. 

And four days later, the governor was photographed at Barnaby’s Public House in Providence sipping a glass of red wine. The Libertarian group Liberty Rhode Island posted a picture of the governor attending a "wine and paint" event at the restaurant on Friday night.

To make matters worse, Rhode Island Department of Health Director Nicole Alexander-Scott announced the following day that she had tested positive for the coronavirus. Gov. Raimondo and others who came in contact with the state's top medical expert are now under a 7-day quarantine. Rhode Island currently leads the nation in states with the highest number of positive cases per 100,000 people.  

Under Rhode Island's Pause, entertainment facilities and indoor venues of assembly are prohibited. The governor's insistence on going to an entertainment event while asking her constituents to sacrifice and stay home is just another example of a Democrat "leader" exempting themselves from their own coronavirus restrictions. 

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany recently went through a long list of Democrats who were caught breaking the coronavirus guidelines they demand everyone else follow. Even CNN is fed up with the Democrats' hypocrisy in regard to the lockdowns. We are not all in this together.