
Trump Kicks off Monday with a Rallying Cry to Voters Following Positive Medical Report

President Trump wasted no time hopping back into campaign mode following the optimistic report Sunday afternoon on his recovery from the Wuhan coronavirus. One of the president's physicians, Dr. Brian Garibaldi, said that Trump had shown remarkable improvement and could feasibly return to the White House as soon as Monday. But even from inside Walter Reed Medical Center in Bethesda, Maryland, the president's signature energy and enthusiasm were apparent through a series of tweets early Monday morning. 

In a series of 15 tweets beginning just before 7:00 am on Monday, the president brought the enthusiasm from his rallies to his supporters on social media, encouraging them to vote on the issues, and on his record. 

While Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden continues to campaign on a very limited schedule while refusing to take any substantive questions from the press and waffles on policy positions depending on who's asking, the president went with good, old black and white transparency to kick off the week. 

Trump also reiterated his pro-life, anti-abortion stance, an issue that has reached a fever pitch in recent weeks following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Having a pro-life president and a new pro-life justice, pro-abortion activists and politicians say, could mean Roe v. Wade would be overturned. 

And while the president has been a solid leader and champion for the lives of the unborn with a presidential record to back it up, Biden has tried instead to woo religious voters by dumping seven figures into an ad campaign meant to underscore his own Catholic faith. But as I reported last week, people aren't buying his hallow message of faith while he and his party push for tax-funded abortion-on-demand at all gestational ages. 

The president's message was much simpler. 

Of all the 15 all-caps texts, "PRO LIFE! VOTE!" received the most likes and became a trending topic on Twitter Monday morning. 

The president also bulldozed over Biden's vapid health care promises to "expand Obamacare" and reinstate the unconstitutional individual mandate. 

But perhaps most importantly, the president took aim at the media, who has been in high gear over the last few days shaping the national narrative to make Trump look evil and Biden look like a savior.