
Trump Unloads on Biden at Pennsylvania Rally

The president held a rally in Latrobe, Pennsylvania on Thursday and blasted "Joe Hiden" for spending the summer in his basement and failing to condemn the violent leftists terrorizing American cities.

"Joe Biden was silent as far-left rioters viciously attacked law enforcement in Democrat-run cities, burned down businesses, terrorized civilians, and just recently marched through the streets chanting 'Death to America,'" Trump told the enthusiastic crowd of supporters. 

While Biden was in the basement, his staff was donating money to bail out violent rioters the police were able to catch, which included individuals with rape and murder charges. The Trojan horse candidate's running mate, Kamala Harris, similarly urged her supporters to help bail out the thugs. If you live in a Democrat-run city, you can thank your Democrat leaders for perpetuating the violence.

But now that leftist violence is starting to show up in polls in the president's favor, Biden and the Democrats have finally condemned it. They condemn anything once they realize it helps Trump: a strong economy, ending the lockdowns, getting kids back to school, developing a vaccine, securing the border, etc. 

"Biden will never be able to protect your jobs or your family," Trump warned. "He is a puppet of the socialists, Marxists, and the cop-hating extremists. And they are cop-hating," the president warned, describing Black Lives Matter to a T. 

The president accused Biden of spending "the last 47 years betraying the American people." By contrast, the president said his administration has spent the past four years delivering on promises. Trump cited his USMCA trade deal with Mexico and Canada --  a deal so good even Nancy Pelosi took a break from impeaching Trump to pass it -- as a promise kept to Pennsylvanian voters. 

"Biden supported cutting social security. He voted for the Iraq War. He opposed the mission to take out Osama Bid Laden. He opposed the killing of Soleimani ... He oversaw the rise of ISIS, and he cheered the rise of China as a 'positive development' for America and the entire world," Trump said. 

The president vowed to make the United States the "manufacturing superpower of the world" and promised to end America's reliance on China "once and for all." Trump said his agenda was made in America and Biden's agenda was made in China. 

While the crowd far exceeded Pennsylvania's 250-person limit on outdoor gatherings, Democrats and the media should be relieved to learn that organizers of the rally say the gathering was a "peaceful protest."