
NYPD Officer Says the Left's Anti-Cop Narrative Has Destroyed Morale

The job of law enforcement can be hard enough without the mainstream media and the Democratic party demonizing the profession. The left hasn't limited their criticism to a few bad apples, either. The Left has indicted the whole system as racist and irredeemable, and some Democratic-run cities are moving forward with plans to defund and dismantle their police departments. 

An NYPD officer, who used to be a Democrat but is now a Republican, spoke to Fox News's Will Cain, co-host of "Fox & Friends Weekend," about the low-moral among police officers. 

"The term for the NYPD that is going around in every command in the city is 'the job is dead.' You would be crazy to take this job at this day and age," said the officer, who spoke on condition of anonymity. 

The officer, who no longer wishes for his son to become a police officer, said he never expected to be hated because of his uniform. 

"And it's not fair because we sacrifice ourselves every day," he said. "No matter what your skin color is, it's sad. In my tenure here at NYPD I can never ever imagine that it would be this bad, as far as not being supported."

While the officer is confident that President Trump "absolutely supports" the law enforcement community, he believes Joe Biden and Kamala Harris would not be supportive if the Democratic ticket should win in November. 

Citing the rising crime in New York City, the officer blames Democratic Mayor Bill de Blasio, the City Council and district attorneys for releasing criminals back out on the streets. Shootings in the Big Apple have increased more than 80 percent compared to the same period last year, according to the NYPD. 

"[De Blasio] does not care about the police. He doesn't care about Black lives. You know, he is more concerned with painting murals," the officer said. 

Morale is undoubtedly down nationwide as a result of the anti-police rhetoric trumpeted loudly by the liberal media and Democratic politicians. Violent riots have already claimed the lives of several police officers, and many more will likely be ambushed or injured as respect for law enforcement continues to dwindle and contempt and hatred take its place.  

"People who allow these protesters to talk about how they want to defund the police department, we're there to make sure that nothing happens to them, but they are the ones saying that they want us dead," the officer said.

Police officers truly are the thin blue line separating civil society from anarchy, although Goodyear employees may not be allowed to say it. All our elected leaders, and businesses that can only exist in civil society, should be supportive of our men and women in blue.