
That Was Your Husband: AP Hits Former First Lady Michelle Obama Over 'Kids in Cages' Remarks in DNC Speech

Everyone is fawning over Michelle Obama’s DNC speech. It wasn’t anything special. In fact, this whole convention has been one bizarre spectacle. We’re lucky that all of these speakers are contained within a two-hour timeframe. It’s all the same theme, folks: ‘Trump is a bad, bad man who should have never won.’ 

Yeah, we get it. And in that disbelief and anger, the entire political Left has become unspooled. They choose to not remember key moments of the Obama administration; they act as if the past eight years never happened. The “kids in cages” line is by far one of the biggest moments of media hypocrisy. President Trump promised to get tough on the border and immigration enforcement, so of course, when the Obama-era cages at DHS detention centers were re-photographed—all of this happened because Trump was elected.

So, when Michelle decided to rehash that in her speech Monday night, I was shocked to see the Associated Press dole out a ‘hey, your husband is the one who locked those kids up first’ fact check:

MICHELLE OBAMA, on Americans: “They watch in horror as children are torn from their families and thrown into cages.”

THE FACTS: The reference to cages is misleading and a matter that Democrats have persistently distorted.

Trump used facilities that were built during the Obama-Biden administration to house children at the border. They are chain-link enclosures inside border facilities where migrants were temporarily housed, separated by sex and age.

At the height of the controversy over Trump’s zero-tolerance policy at the border, photos that circulated online of children in the enclosures generated great anger. But those photos — by The Associated Press — were taken in 2014 and depicted some of the thousands of unaccompanied children held by President Barack Obama.

When that fact came to light, some Democrats and activists who had tweeted the photos deleted their tweets. But prominent Democrats have continued to cite cages for children as a distinctive cruelty of Trump.

Our own Katie Pavlich was there at the border to see the Obama cages, folks. 

Granted, the family separation being part of normal detention policy was a Trump era “zero tolerance” provision that was suspended because weak people complained that it was cruel or something. How about not trying to enter this country illegally with your kids? So, credit to the AP for doing a fact check, but Barry still escaped the media grilling Trump received over this coverage. When some kids started to die in these crowded centers, it's as if everyone forgot that 18 migrants died under DHS detention during the Obama administration. 

There was no outrage from the media then. Do we even have to ask why? Oh, and when some of the children detained at the border were transferred to a US Army Base, the media again forgot that a) Obama did the same thing, and b) decided to harp on the fact that it was a former Japanese internment camp instead of calling it by its formal name: Fort Sill

So again, credit for fact-checking, but please--Barack Obama escaped the media hysteria for reasons you already know.