
New Polling: Americans Aren't Onboard with Defunding the Police

As prominent political figures on the Left continue to call for "defunding" police departments across the United States, Americans aren't on board with the idea.

According to new polling from Rasmussen, the vast majority of American adults do not want police funding cut and certainly do not support stripping resources altogether.

Despite the high-profile anti-police protests nationwide, few Americans believe there are too many cops in this country, and most reject the push by the political left to defund police departments.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 27% of American Adults favor reducing the police budget in the community where they live. Despite the growing political movement to defund police departments and channel that money into more social services, 59% are opposed to cutting their local police budget, while 14% are undecided.

These numbers come after additional polling shows Americans believe police have acted appropriately or not aggressively enough against rowdy protests and violent riots.

On Capitol Hill, Democrats have introduced legislation that would severely limit law enforcement capabilities. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has essentially already halted it.

Meanwhile, on June 16, Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham will host a hearing on "police use of force and community relations."