
This Is How Many Judges the Senate Confirmed While the House Focused on Impeaching Trump

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) was able to confirm 13 federal judges that were nominated by President Trump in the same week House Democrats focused on impeachment.

While all were not solidly conservative, McConnell has made it a point of pride to use the Republican majority in the Senate to fill the many federal judge vacancies. The recent batch of confirmations were among the final votes casted in the upper chamber for 2019.

They judges that were confirmed on Thursday filled district level positions. Democratic senators were able to voice their say in who could be nominated as well. 

"And working together, we are changing the federal courts forever," McConnell said at a Trump campaign rally in November. "Nobody's done more to change the court system in the history of our country than Donald Trump. And Mr. President, we're going to keep on doing it. My motto is leave no vacancy behind."

One of the biggest differences under McConnell's leadership has been flipping liberal majority appeals courts to conservative ones. Out of the 13 appeals courts, seven now have conservative majorities.

Liberal groups, however, seem to be confused on just what is happening in the Senate.