
CNN Manager: CNN Stopped Covering News, Sold Itself To The Devil, And Became The Trump Network

Have you ever wondered what would drive a once respected news network like CNN to take such a sharp turn towards mediocrity? As shown by Project Veritas, according to those on the inside of "the most trusted name in news," the anti-Trump stance is driven by one man, and one man alone: CNN President Jeff Zucker. He's driven by his hatred of Trump and ratings. Don't take my word for it, listen to 13-year-veteran Mike Brevna, CNN's floor manager's opinion, and others. 

Here's a brief recap of James O'Keefe's #ExposeCNN rollout the investigative journalism outlet is doing this week:

Project Veritas should win a Pulitzer Prize for its #ExposeCNN investigation. All week long, they have been trickling out videos from their CNN staffer-turned-whistleblower, Cary Poarch. Poarch started at CNN in 2017 at what he thought was his dream job. He entered a Democrat, he even supported Bernie in 2016, but what he saw at the "most trusted name in news" made him squirm with unease. The dishonesty he saw kept him up at night. At some point in 2019, he had enough of the lies and turned to Project Veritas to help expose the network's bias against President Donald J. Trump and Republicans. Based on the clips, it is apparent that CNN President Jeff Zucker controls everything the network does. And everything the network does is designed to revolve around Trump and making our president look as bad as possible.

Here's what Brevna had to say:

"Oh God, it's so crazy. I mean no disrespect to CNN because that's who they are now," Brevna told Poarch. "But, when I applied, when I got this job 13 years ago, CNN was nothing like this."

"They were just, what, news right? Just, just straight up, just news?" Poarch asks. 

"Just news," Brevna responds. 

"What is it now?" Project Veritas' insider asks. 

"It's the Trump network, dog. It's like everything is all Trump," Brevna says. "They're not even thinking about anything else. They sold themselves to the devil." 

"It's sad, it's sad. Because there's so much news going on out there, but they don't cover none of it," he adds. 

Why don't they cover any of the news? Well, because as CNN technical supervisor Aida Jacobs had to say, "When Zucker took over, it wasn't until Trump that we ended up being all Trump all the time." 

Here's the latest Veritas video. We'll be covering #ExposeCNN all day. 

Editor's Note: In the interest of transparency, the author of this piece has a relative who works for Project Veritas.