
Ouch: Biden's Fundraising Isn't Doing Too Hot, Gets Beat By Mayor Pete In Q3

The 2020 Democratic hopefuls have released their fundraising totals for Q3, and many are saying the Biden campaign should be nervous about its cashflow.  The reporting released Thursday and Friday reveal the top two fundraisers for this past quarter were Sen. Bernie Sanders and Sen. Elizabeth Warren respectively. However, Biden was out raised by most of rivals, including Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind.  

Sanders hauled in $25.3 million. According to CBS News, "the cash raised in the third quarter comes from 1.4 million donations. The average donation was $18.07." The campaign reports the typical employment of its donors were "teachers." 

Warren rasied slightly less at $24.6 million. Again, CBS notes that "The money came from 943,000 donations, according to the campaign. The average contribution was $26."

Biden raised just $15.2 million. Buttigieg raised more than $19.1 million. 

As TPUSA's Benny Johnson said, "So Joe Biden is the 'Front Runner; but he trailed Pete Buttigieg in third quarter fundraising. Is this what Winning looks like to Democrats?" 

Here's how the rest of the candidate's did with donors: