
An Out-Of-Control Beverage Cart Shows Why Trump Will Win Re-election

This article will not contain any hard evidence. Nor will it dissect the amount of people actually on Twitter. But, it will hopefully serve as example as to why so many Americans support and like President Donald J. Trump, despite not always agreeing with his policies or his personality. On Twitter on Monday, a viral video sprang seemingly out of nowhere of a quick-acting airline employee who stopped a malfunctioning beverage cart from crashing into an airplane. It looks like something on this cart at O'Hare Chicago Airport forced the gas pedal down, and the cart spun wildly around as employees surrounded it with despair. Then, with only seconds to spare before true disaster, an employee hopped onto another piece of equipment, it looks like a forklift of some sort, and slammed into the beverage cart stopping it from doing futher damage.

So, how does President Trump play into this? Well, everybody on audio in the video in the background were impressed by the beverage cart hero. It is almost a perfect internet video. Not a lot of backstory, not a lot of thinking required, but just a simple premise of a problem and a surprise hero who springs into action. Anecdotally, most folks I know that have seen the video all have a similar reaction. "Wow, quick thinking by that guy. Good for him," or something along those lines. 

On Tuesday morning, President Trump shared the video as well saying, "Great job, just in time!"

This seemingly random tweet shows why so many Americans like and relate to the president. He is unfiltered. He enjoys life and enjoys the American people. He talks just like a normal person, and does not seem to rehearse anything he does. Most Americans connect with him not because of his politics, though his policies are certainly underrated by the DC establishment, but because of his cultural commentary. They ether find him entertaining, or are enamored by what he finds entertaining. 

For all the criticism from the mainstream press that President Trump does not make himself available to the media, his Twitter in many ways gives us a direct line into his thinking. On this beverage cart tweet, millions of Americans will look at his tweet and think, "Wow, I had the same reaction" which will endear them to Trump even more. So long as Trump remains more positive in his tweets than negative (except when going after the Fake News Media), he should cruise to re-election.