
Rep. Massie Shares the Number One Reason to Question Sincerity of Hollywood/DC Climate-Alarmists

The far-left and Hollywood celebrities have been hypocrites on global warming, er climate change, er extreme weather...whatever they're calling it these days ever since Al Gore cashed his first big paycheck from his movie An Inconvenient Truth. Congressman Thomas Massie has had enough and says their phoniness is precisely the reason why Americans should question their seriousness regarding the climate. 

A Twitter user re-tweeted out a video of Harrison Ford, the star of Indiana Jones and Star Wars and dozens of other blockbuster films, in 2018 in San Francisco. Ford told an audience that "those least responsible will bear the biggest cost" of global warming and severe weather supposedly due to carbon dioxide emissions from manmade activity.

"Stop giving power to people who don't believe in science. Or worse than that, pretend they don't believe in science for their own self-interest," Ford said in the Newsweek clip. 

But, speaking of self-interest, isn't using an airplane to travel up the coast of California just for a cheeseburger and because you love to fly planes about the most selfish thing you can do? Well, as pointed out by Tom Nelson, highlighted the actor's extensive and impressive collection of gas-guzzling cars, airplanes, and motorcycles. Based on this article, Ford owns at least eight airplanes, nine motorcycles, and six cars. 

In response, Rep. Massie told his followers, "The number one reason to question the sincerity of elite preachy Hollywood and DC climate-alarmists? Their blatant and unapologetic hypocrisy."

"My house has been running 100% on solar for 12 years, but I don’t want legislate or condemn your energy choices," he added. 

Rep. Massie is right. Why should anybody take Ford seriously when his carbon footprint shows he talks the talk but doesn't walk the walk on climate change?