
Of Course, A Massive Lie Was Peddled At The Tlaib-Omar Presser

Reps. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Ilhan Omar (D-MN) were supposed to on a trip to Israel today until their support for the viciously anti-Israel Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement caused them to be barred from entering. This is established policy. This shouldn’t be shocking to anyone. BDS advocates for Israel’s destruction. Barring Omar and Tlaib was the right call. The two held a press conference in Minnesota, where the gruesome twosome railed against the Israeli policy of so-called occupation. Omar alleged that she had planned to meet with members of the Israeli Knesset and said it was wrong for the Netanyahu government to bar duly-elected members of Congress from entering the country. She also lamented that Jewish-American and Muslim communities were being othered and peace can only be achieved by working together. 

Tlaib noted that history was repeating itself with their ban from going to Israel, saying that the late Rep. Charles Diggs was banned from visiting apartheid South Africa. So, these two are now just like him or something. They’re not. She also said that at least 70 other members had traveled to Israel without incident. I bet those members didn’t support BDS though.

She also railed against the separation walls, the “dehumanizing” Israeli checkpoints, and made a note that there are scores of Palestinian-Americans who cannot see their families in the West Bank. Talib said that we as a country should be deeply disturbed by that development. 

This whole presser was a joke. Tlaib was given the option of applying for a humanitarian visa to see her family. They didn’t fit in with the narrative these two wanted to craft so she’s forgoing that option. Also, Omar dropped an outright lie about the trip. She wasn’t going to visit any Knesset members or any Israeli security officials.

And if we want to rehash whether this “squad,” this Leninist Girl Scout Troop from hell doesn’t have much clout in the House Democratic caucus because there are only four of them—just look at what could happen soon on the Hill. House Democrats could be mulling retaliatory moves against top American and Israeli diplomatic officials over this move. They’re the face of the Democratic Party. They may be incredibly annoying right now, but these gals have an agenda that is viewed as total garbage with most voters. Let them talk. Let them keep navigating the House Democrats’ agenda. It will only end up with the Republicans back in charge of the House. And maybe, just maybe if they weren’t terrorist sympathizers, things could have obviously gone quite differently.

Also, Omar, the queen of anti-Semitism trope peddling, speaking about how Jewish communities are being othered is just rich.