
Sen. Cruz Wants Multiple People Held Accountable For Antifa Attacks On Conservative Journalist

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) on Sunday called on law enforcement personnel to hold multiple people responsible for the Antifa attack against conservative journalist Andy Ngo. 

Ngo was attacked on Saturday while covering Antifa protests in Portland, Oregon. Video footage shows Antifa protestors hitting and kicking Ngo. One even threw a "milkshake" mixed with quick-dry cement at the journalist.

Cruz wanted the mainstream media to report on what happened and not ignore what took place, which typically happens when a conservative is attacked.

But he also wanted local law enforcement to find out who committed the crimes and prosecute them.

Cruz also said Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler should have charges brought against him for telling police to stand down during these protests, instead of protecting citizens from "domestic terrorists."

Ngo reported multiple instances of Antifa attacks. It wasn't until the third attack, which was caught on camera, that police responded. 

"Where have you been?" Ngo asked police, which was seen during his live periscope.

CNN's Brian Stelter actually condemned the attacks that took place, saying they're "unacceptable."