
Mitch McConnell Loved the Attention He Received During Last Night's Democratic Debate

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell told reporters Thursday that he loved the attention he received during the first Democratic primary debate. 

"Being criticized for stopping the liberal agenda and confirming conservative judges, I love it," McConnell said

"The things they are criticizing me for, I plead guilty to," he added. 

McConnell was referenced multiple times during last night’s debate. GoogleTrends reported that search queries for the majority leader spiked 2,000%. 

Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts, when asked if she had a plan to "stop" Mitch McConnell, responded that she did, although she reframed from divulging into any specifics. 

Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota also brought up McConnell, saying she blamed him for blocking election security bills.

Last but not least, Gov. Jay Inslee of Washington said he would combat climate change by "taking away the filibuster from Mitch McConnell.”

This isn't the first time McConnell has revelled in the Democratic ire against him. After being labeled "The Grim Reaper" for his repeated blockage of Democratic bills in the Senate, McConnell admitted he agreed with the characterization.

"I am indeed the Grim Reaper when it comes to the socialist agenda that they have been ginning up over in the House with overwhelming Democratic support and sending it over to America, things that would turn us into a country we’ve never been," Sen. McConnell said.

The "Grim Reaper" did, in fact, strike again. 

Earlier Thursday evening, the Democratic-controlled House passed a Senate-drafted $4.6 billion measure to address the humanitarian crisis at the border. This was after they received opposition over their own bill which would have been a non-starter in the Republican-controlled Senate. 

McConnell's comments come in anticipation of the second round of the first Democratic debate, which airs tonight and will feature more prominent, top-of-the-ticket candidates.