
Kathy Tran Tells Northam to Resign...But Voters Had a Message for Her Too

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam stood by Del. Kathy Tran's (D-Fairfax) side when she introduced an extreme pro-abortion bill last week. And I mean extreme. The legislation, which she called The Repeal Act, would have removed restrictions and allowed women to get abortions through all 40 weeks of pregnancy. Even pro-choice people were pretty shocked by it. But Northam defended her. 

Unfortunately for him, she did not return the favor now that Northam is steeped in his own controversy. As the governor tries to decide whether or not he was in the racist photo that was found in his 1984 medical school yearbook and is now dominating the news, lawmakers everywhere are demanding he resign

Tran joined the chorus on Saturday.

Yet, her announcement gave voters a chance ask her to step aside as well because of her pro-abortion extremism.

When she responded to the controversy over her bill last week, Tran said she was "surprised" by the outrage.

As of right now, neither Northam nor Tran plan to resign. Northam said he intends to serve out his term as governor and "regain" Virginians' trust.

Now let me share a quick, profound message from former U.S. ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley.