
School Agrees to Change Mural Depicting President Trump's Head Severed on a Spear

The insanity of the far left is at again. In what should have been a beautiful and unifying mural painted during a scholarship fundraiser, a painter decided to adopt artistic license and portray a bloody head that resembled President Donald J. Trump with a giant spear through its noggin. But after many complaints the MAAC Community Charter School has decided that they will force the artist to change the mural. 

“We understand that there was a mural painted at the event this past weekend that does not align with our school’s philosophy of non-violence,” read the statement from MAAC Community Charter School director Tommy Ramirez told the San Diego Union Tribune. “We have been in communication with the artist — who has agreed to modify the artwork — to better align with the school’s philosophy.”

Sasha Andrade was one of many local citizens recently invited to paint the mural highlighting urban art. Andrade opted to get a little radical for her part of the painting. According to the Tribune, her portion featured "three warriors, each with different types of dress. One appears to be holding a human heart and another wears a leopard headdress and is holding a spear. At its end is the severed head of Trump, with the spear’s tip protruding from his mouth." 

However, Andrade accused her detractors of attempting to censor her. 

Of course, any normal thinking person would point out that a community mural featuring a severed head of anybody, especially the president, might not be the most appropriate thing to display in public. Regardless, Andrade has also said on her Facebook that she has received death threats against herself and her innocent baby nephew. That is just as deplorable, if not more so. 

The artist clearly has talent, it is a shame she would use it in such a manner.