
Here's How the RNC Will Be Reminding Voters About Tax Reform this Weekend

The Republican National Committee does not want voters to forget about the tax cuts they've received in the aftermath of the comprehensive tax reform passed in December. Hundreds of staff and volunteers will be knocking on doors and making phone calls Saturday to drive the point home. It is the key to maintaining a Republican majority in November, according to the committee.

Saturday's "Day of Action" is the "next step" in the RNC's multi-million dollar effort to make sure voters “remember in November” that those bigger paychecks are thanks to Trump and the Republicans and no thanks to Congressional Democrats "who unanimously voted against the largest tax cuts in a generation," the RNC says.

If the staffers don't get greeted when they knock on doors this weekend, they'll at least be leaving the following sign on door handles.

The RNC is going all in, investing an additional quarter of a billion dollars in their "permanent, data-driven, ground game."

NBC News praised the RNC's efforts earlier this year, noting the committee's "sophisticated" prep work.

The committee has also been breaking fundraising records. Under Chair Ronna Romney McDaniel, the RNC raised $12.8 million in February and $157.7 million overall in the 2017-2018 cycle - the most for a non-election year.

The DNC's money chest hasn't been quite as robust. Their Federal Election Commission filings were so unflattering in January that they released them during President Trump's State of the Union speech perhaps hoping no one would notice.

We did.