
We Shouldn't Rush To Judgment Over CNN's Report

On Friday October 28, 2017, CNN reported first that a federal grand jury in Washington, D.C. had approved charges in the Russian  2016 election interference investigation led by special counsel Robert Mueller, according to anonymous sources.

CNN’s sources told the network that the “charges are still sealed under orders from a federal judge.” These individuals also said that a potential figure could be taken into custody as soon as Monday, but declined to mention who exactly and for what reasons.

It is rather peculiar that those close to the investigation leaked these claims to CNN, despite the charges remaining under sealed order from a federal judge.  Although this story lacks detail and sourcing, many on the left are apoplectic that this spells “the end” for President Donald J. Trump. 

It should be noted that CNN has jumped the gun on reporting on Trump and Russia before. This past summer, three senior journalists were forced to resign after completely butchering a story regarding President Trump's aid Anthony Scaramucci and Russia. That story alleged that a hedge fund Scaramucci was involved with had collaborated with Russia to influence the 2016 election.

This is not to say that CNN is wrong again here, nor to suggest they may be correct this time. It is simply a reminder to take news reports based on anonymous sources with a grain of salt and to not rush to judgment.  

Unless any major changes in this story occur today or tomorrow, the media’s reporting on potential charges is all pure speculation.