
Gorka Leaves White House Taking Swipes at GOP Leaders

Former National Security Aide Sebastian Gorka has not indicated any bitterness toward President Trump in the wake of his White House exit. Instead, he has saved his ire for his Republican critics.

Gorka isn’t concerned about Trump’s dedication to the conservative platform he ran on as a presidential candidate (Trump told Gorka he was “sticking to this agenda”), but he does worry about the president’s advisors and those establishment Republicans in Congress.

“They still live in this fantasy illusion that Nov. 8 was their victory as much as it was the president's,” Gorka said in the phone interview. “And they will pay a penalty for that mistake and belief."

“Given that the president deliberately asked his colleagues on the Hill to bring relief to America from the disaster that is ObamaCare and that after eight years of promises, they failed. I would say Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan's credibility is lost and unrecoverable,” he said.

Gorka reportedly resigned after feuding with other White House senior staff over the president’s use of the term “radical Islam.” Bannon wanted Trump to use it more, while Secretary of State Rex Tillerson was apparently against it.

Stephen Bannon also left his role at the White House a couple weeks ago, citing his White House "opponents." The former chief strategist has reported back to Breitbart, where he will be challenging the establishment GOP from his computer, telling McConnell he would “light him up.”

Gorka said he is also prepared to continue defending the president, particularly on the cable news circuit.