
Trump's Wednesday Morning Tweetstorm: China, Trade, North Korea, and More

President Trump took to Twitter early Wednesday morning ahead of his trip to Europe for the G-20 summit to talk about U.S. trade policy. He also accused China of helping North Korea with trade.

“Getting ready to leave for Poland, after which I will travel to Germany for the G-20. Will be back on Saturday,” he wrote.

The president took a tough stance on trade ahead of the meeting, noting that the U.S. “made some of the worst Trade Deals in world history.” He then wondered why the U.S. should “continue these deals with countries that do not help us.”

Trump then turned his ire at China, which he accused of helping North Korea.

“Trade between China and North Korea grew almost 40% in the first quarter. So much for China working with us - but we had to give it a try!” he said.

Just a day earlier the president was still expressing optimism that China could “put a heavy move” on North Korea to “end this nonsense” after the rogue regime test-fired an intercontinental ballistic missile.

Missile experts warned Tuesday after Pyongyang's successful missile test that Alaska could be within striking distance.