This clip is the perfect bookend to a news cycle filled with Team Clinton's ritual pointing of fingers over her historic loss last week. While Hillaryworld is trying to convince everyone that they had everything locked down until the FBI "meddled" in the election by alerting Congress to the review of newly-discovered email scandal evidence (and the bitterness remains fresh), Bernie Sanders waltzes in pours frigid water all over his onetime rival's self-serving excuse. Via the Free Beacon:
Sure, the Comey developments may have had some "minor" impact, but the root cause was voters deciding that Democrats didn't have their economic interests at heart. (That, and her awfulness as a candidate, he was too polite to add). Trump edged Clinton on handling the economy by three points. Beyond the 'blame Comey' brigade, others on the Left are pinning Clinton's loss on a racial "white lash." But that theory is undermined by the fact that Trump's victory margins were fueled by white people who voted for Obama twice. The New York Times' Nate Cohn explains:
The truth was that Democrats were far more dependent on white working-class voters than many believed. In the end, the bastions of industrial-era Democratic strength among white working-class voters fell to Mr. Trump. So did many of the areas where Mr. Obama fared best in 2008 and 2012. In the end, the linchpin of Mr. Obama’s winning coalition broke hard to the Republicans. The Wyoming River Valley of Pennsylvania — which includes Scranton and Wilkes-Barre — voted for Mr. Trump. It had voted for Mr. Obama by double digits. Youngstown, Ohio, where Mr. Obama won by more than 20 points in 2012, was basically a draw. Mr. Trump swept the string of traditionally Democratic and old industrial towns along Lake Erie. Counties that supported Mr. Obama in 2012 voted for Mr. Trump by 20 points. The rural countryside of the North swung overwhelmingly to Mr. Trump. Most obvious was Iowa, where Mr. Obama won easily in 2012 but where Mr. Trump prevailed easily. These gains extended east, across Wisconsin and Michigan to New England. Mr. Trump won Maine’s Second Congressional District by 12 points; Mr. Obama had won it by eight points.
The Wall Street Journal examines the same phenomenon in-depth, including this infographic of vote shifts in Pennsylvania:
"The Flipping of Pennsylvania"
— Guy Benson (@guypbenson) November 14, 2016
I'll leave you with shrill race impostor Elizabeth Warren plotting the future of the Democratic a five-star DC hotel: