
Khizr Khan Reveals Who His Son's Hero Was

Wednesday offers another layer into the feud between the Khans and Donald Trump. Khizr and Ghazala Khan are the Muslim-American parents who stole all the headlines at the Democratic National Convention last week by remarking on their military son's sacrifices for the country and challenging Trump for his proposing a temporary ban on Muslim immigration. 

In a conversation with CNN on Tuesday, Khan delivered another blow to the GOP nominee by revealing who his son's hero was.

"Senator McCain — he's my hero. The last book my son read that I sent him was Senator McCain's book about courage: 'Why Courage Matters.' So for me to hear Donald Trump malign my hero — my son's hero — it is just mind-boggling," Khan told CNN. 

Last summer, Trump suggested just the opposite. Because McCain had been captured while serving, he didn't deserve the title of war hero, Trump surmised.

“I like people who weren’t captured,” Trump said at the 2015 Family Leadership Summit in Iowa. 

Then, this week, Trump again proved he's no fan of McCain when he refused to give him a boost in his tight Senate race in Arizona. 

Yet, McCain has not exactly shown Trump much love either. After reluctantly endorsing him, McCain has often criticized the nominee's rhetoric. This week, he chided Trump for disparaging the Khan family and tried to assure voters his remarks do not reflect the entire Republican Party.

In his CNN interview, Mr. Khan also demanded Trump return the Purple Heart a veteran so graciously gifted him at a rally this week.

Yet, this may be one of the last times Khan remarks so publicly about Trump's behavior. After a week of TV interviews, he said he's had enough of the spotlight.