
2016 RACE ROUNDUP: Cruz 'Shines,’ While Hillary’s Outburst Exposes Weeks of Frustration

It’s Ted Cruz’s “time to shine,” pundits are saying this week. While Donald Trump is being battered by a merciless media and critics both left and right for his controversial abortion remarks, Cruz is running away from his competitors in Wisconsin primary polls. Meanwhile, the Democratic race is becoming less and less civil as Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders feel the tension of a narrowing contest.

Republican Primary

Donald Trump: Trump had an impromptu meeting with leaders at the RNC Thursday afternoon, where they reportedly discussed the need for Republican unity. Party leaders have apparently threatened to rescind the 50 delegates Trump picked up in South Carolina for breaking the GOP loyalty pledge he signed in the fall. Meanwhile, Trump’s unfavorable ratings are on full display in a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Over 50 percent of each demographic gave him an unflattering review. Perhaps most striking is that seven in 10 female voters have an unfavorable opinion of him. He's running in a distant second in the Wisconsin primary, but has a pretty commanding lead in New York.

Ted Cruz: Cruz is still full speed ahead in Wisconsin. The latest polls have him 10 points ahead of Trump. This week, the Texas senator warned the RNC that it would be a “terrible idea” for Washington officials to change convention rules, because voters would “revolt.” As of now, the guidelines insist the eventual nominee must have won at least eight contests. Only Cruz and Trump meet that threshold.

John Kasich: Kasich is rebuking a Super PAC ad that calls Ted Cruz “lyin’ Ted,” which is Trump’s favorite nickname for the Texas senator. The PAC, which supports Kasich, was asked to take down the spot. Yet, that doesn’t mean the Ohio governor is ready to make nice with Cruz. He accused the senator of having “no record” to run on, while insisting Trump is “not prepared” to be president.

Democratic Primary

Hillary Clinton let loose on the Sanders campaign this week. When confronted by a Greenpeace activist at a campaign event in Westchester, NY Thursday night regarding her supposed support from the fossil fuel industry, Clinton exploded in frustration, screaming she’s “so sick” of the Sanders campaign’s “lies.” Is her sudden outburst the result of weeks of pent up frustration over Sanders’ persistence in the 2016 race? Clinton and her team have essentially already conceded Wisconsin to Sanders, yet she is 12 points ahead in New York.

Bernie Sanders held his first campaign rally in New York Thursday night and it was not short on numbers. Over 15,000 people showed up to support the Vermont senator in the Bronx. With crowds like these, no wonder Sanders is already predicting a win in the Empire State. Sanders had some ammunition of his own for Clinton this week, firing back at her for suggesting he isn’t “serious” about women’s issues. Rosario Dawson chimed in as well, telling Clinton, “shame on you." Sanders has another celebrity endorsement in Susan Sarandon, who this week admitted her ire for Clinton is so deep she doesn’t know whether she’d vote for her over Trump.

Delegate Count

Primary Schedule

No primaries scheduled this week.