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Rep. Brian Mast Has Perfect Response to Pro-Hamas Activists Ambushing Him

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

Rep. Brian Mast (R-FL) torched far-left pro-Hamas activists on Capitol Hill with a simple message while they hounded him over his support for Israel. 

Pro-terrorism activists from Code Pink ambushed Mast, trying to pressure him into believing their lies about how “innocent” people are being killed and tortured by Israeli forces. 


The pro-Hamas activists tried to gain sympathy from Mast, urging him to support a cease-fire amid the ongoing war that resulted in thousands of innocent Israeli lives being killed. 

In response, Mast had one simple message for them: “I think Israel should go in there and kick the s*** out of them, just absolutely destroy them, their infrastructure, level anything that they touch.” 

One of the activists then began claiming that the majority of those being killed in Gaza by Israeli forces are children, to which Mast responded by saying “Let me say this very clearly: I literally don’t believe a word that you say.”

“Just because you say it doesn’t make it true though,” he added. 

On Monday, Hamas claimed to accept a ceasefire and hostage deal. However, Israeli officials said the terrorist group’s terms did not meet Israel’s requirements.


“After Hamas agreed to the mediators’ proposal for a ceasefire, the ball is now in the court of Israeli occupation, whether it will agree to the ceasefire agreement or obstruct it,” a senior Hamas official said. 

But on the contrary, Israel said that the terms of the so-called “deal” did not match those that Israel had previously approved.

Hours later, the Prime Minister’s Office announced that the war cabinet decided to greenlight an IDF operation in Rafah “in order to apply military pressure on Hamas, with the goal of making progress on freeing the hostages and the other war aims.”


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