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Antifa Is Already Rioting

AP Photo/Noah Berger

Antifa agitators are already rioting in Democrat-led crime cesspools, calling for chaos on Election Night no matter who wins the White House.

Black bloc militants in the city of Seattle mobilized early in the evening to launch an Election Night attack at the former site of the deadly Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone (CHAZ).

Seattle cops swiftly shut the anarchist occupation down and arrested several leftist activists, according to on-the-ground footage captured by The Post Millennial's Katie Daviscourt.

"There is a heavy police presence on the ground tonight," she said, noting that the Seattle Police Department is "not playing any games."

At least four Antifa suspects were arrested for obstructing traffic and defying law enforcement orders to get out of the road, per Daviscourt.

Ahead of the "direct action," on Instagram, the Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO-Seattle) circulated an event flyer proclaiming "Out of the voting booth, into the streets!" despite Washington being a vote-by-mail state. "It should go without saying that the racist and reactionary Republican agenda deserves no support from working and oppressed people..." the group wrote.

Over the weekend, Washington's Democrat Gov. Jay Inslee announced that he was ordering the activation of the state's National Guard in case of civil unrest over the 2024 general election.

In Oregon, Portland police officers are conducting bicycle patrols through downtown in anticipation of Antifa carrying out attacks tonight.

Investigative journalist Andy Ngo reported that Rose City Counter-Info, a Portland-based Antifa blog that claims responsibility for far-left attacks, was urging comrades to carry out political violence on Election Night in furtherance of their insurrection fantasies.

"As election night draws near, it seems like many anarchists are content with sitting back and watching what unfolds. We cannot predict what will happen — perhaps widespread riots, perhaps widespread nothing — but this should be even more reason to attack!" the Antifa site said, directing far-left followers to "show that no matter who they elect, we are ungovernable."

Meanwhile, other Antifa accounts told comrades to carry out smaller-scale attacks across the city while police are distracted downtown. "They plan to carry out political violence regardless of who wins, in line with their goal of destruction, anarchy and crime by any means," Ngo remarked.

Hundreds of Hamas supporters were rallying outside Fox News headquarters in New York City to try to cause chaos during Election Day coverage.

Conservative counter-protesters engaged in a standoff with the Hamas crowd across the street.

A man wearing a Make America Great Again hat near Times Square waved an American flag and chanted "USA!" at pro-Palestine passersby.


"He's our president now. Get used to it!" a Trump supporter, reacting to the race results, shouted at the media staged at Rockefeller Center.

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