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So, That's Who Was Running the Country After Joe's Disastrous CNN Debate

AP Photo/Jae C. Hong

Lindy Li, a Democrat-turned-MAGA supporter, continues her media tour, spilling her former party’s behind-the-scenes drama, which kicked off reports that top donors are furious that they collectively shelled out $2 billion and got the brakes beaten off them by Donald Trump and the Republicans. She also offered insight into the delusional world Democrats wallowed in before Election Day, where some thought Iowa was within their reach.   


Now, she revealed that Hunter Biden ‘commandeered’ the White House after Joe Biden got pummeled by Donald Trump in the June debate on CNN, which eventually became an election-killing event for Democrats. It gets even more insane: Hunter Biden took over the White House. That’s what Li alleges—it wasn’t Lady McBiden, aka Jill, it was Hunter. The former Democrat donor shared these details with Shawn Ryan. 

“After the [CNN] debate, Hunter basically commandeered the White House. He sat in on all of the White House top level meetings. We had a former cocaine addict sitting in on the most sensitive meetings of the most consequential and most important government in world history. Does that sit right with you?" said Li to Ryan. 


Ryan promptly said, “No.” 

“Without security clearance mind you, Li added. “That's who was basically running the show. So, Hunter basically batten down the hatches after the debate to make sure his father would only receive intel he pre-approved,” she added.  

Li goes more into the Democratic Party drama surrounding the 2024 election, some of which you already know or could guess. Still, Hunter running the White House—no wonder why things went to absolute crap. 

President Trump stripped Joe Biden of his security clearance yesterday.



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