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US Attorney Who Helped Lead J6 Persecutions Announces Resignation

AP Photo/John Minchillo

The rats are scattering. The US Attorney for the District of Columbia is opting to resign before a new Trump presidency is sworn in, and it’s the right move. He was likely going to be dismissed anyway. Matthew Graves, who led the January 6 persecutions, announced today that on January 16, he’s packing up his office and leaving (via WUSA9):


Matthew Graves, United States Attorney for the District of Columbia, announced that he will step down in two weeks ─ just days before Donald Trump is sworn into office. 

“Serving as the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia has been the honor of a lifetime,” Graves said in a statement. “I am deeply thankful to Congresswoman Holmes Norton for recommending me; to President Biden for nominating me; and to Attorney General Garland for placing his trust in me.” 

Graves was sworn in as U.S. Attorney on Nov. 5, 2021.  

Graves first joined the U.S. Attorney's Office as a career prosecutor in 2007, serving in both the Superior Court and Criminal Divisions of the Office, where he prosecuted a wide range of criminal matters, including violent crime, drug trafficking, illegal firearms possession, and fraud cases. 

He was named a senior Assistant United States Attorney in 2010 in the Office’s Fraud and Public Corruption Section. 

In 2021, Graves made it a priority to federally prosecute those involved in the Capitol riot. 


In a 60 Minutes interview, he tried to play the role of impartial prosecutor, claiming that the 1,000-plus citizens ensnared in this cockamamie legal circus were being prosecuted for their acts or something. 

No one is being prosecuted for their views. They're being prosecuted for their acts," he said. 

That dog won’t hunt. Also, no one cares. The nation moved on days after that little riot, though liberals spent an inordinate time trying to sell the narrative that this event was Pearl Harbor, Fort Sumter, 9/11, and the 1929 crash all rolled up into one. Meanwhile, working families couldn’t pay for groceries, car payments, and other utilities because of Biden’s inflationary agenda and the fact the man made all of us poorer in four years. 

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