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DOJ Spokesperson Got Caught Saying the Quiet Part Out Loud About Trump's Hush Money Case

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Conservative commentator Steven Crowder deployed one of his reporters who obtained this damning video from Nicholas Biase, the Chief of Public Affairs for the Southern District of New York. In the 13-minute video, the DOJ spokesperson says everything we assumed to be true about the hush money trial involving Donald Trump. It’s politically motivated and aimed at damaging his candidacy. He’s even said that the whole legal effort was a perversion of justice. The New York Post’s editorial board has more:


He didn’t mean to make it public, but a Manhattan US Attorney’s Office biggie has outed the contempt pros privately hold for Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s purely political prosecution of Donald Trump.

Covertly taped by an undercover righty, Chief of Public Affairs Nicholas Biase slammed the case as “nonsense” and a “perversion of justice,” accusing Bragg of “stacking charges [against Trump] and, like, rearranging things just to make it fit a case.” 

Secretly recording private conversations for a “gotcha” is slimy (we’ve said before), but Biase’s comments prove what Andrew McCarthy and Jonathan Turley have long warned: Bragg’s case never made any sense to begin with. 



Biase guessed the persecution is all about Bragg’s ambitions: “He wants to be, something … a mayor? I’m not sure what he wants to be, but I know he’s not happy just being the DA of New York County.” 

That is: It was never about justice for Bragg, but scoring with Democratic voters and politicians. 


It’s not like we didn’t know what was behind this effort. The good news is that this trial had virtually no effect. Trump is leading in the polls and stands in an excellent position to win most of the battleground states, and his sentencing in this matter is delayed until after the election. If Democrats thought they could tarnish the former president with multiple trials during the election, they grossly miscalculated. Also, what was said on tape is what most people think of this legal circus involving Trump.


Editor's Note: This post has been updated to reflect that Mr. Biase is with the SDNY, not Bragg's office proper. We apologize for the error. The post and headline were changed to reflect the changes. 

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