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Biden Blew Another Mental Fuse When Talking About the American Executed by Hamas

AP Photo/Stephanie Scarbrough

Joe Biden was too old, weak, and stupid to continue his 2024 bid, and his latest remarks once again show why: he claims to have spoken to the American hostage,  Hersh Goldberg-Polin, whom Hamas executed over the weekend. Grandpa overexerted himself and blew a fuse again: 


President Biden appeared to mistakenly claim on Monday that he “spoke to” the American hostage who was found dead in a Hamas tunnel over the weekend — adding to his string of uncomfortable gaffes in the last months of his presidency. 


“I’ve spoken to the American hostage,” Biden said in apparent reference to Goldberg-Polin. “I spoke to his mom and dad, and we’re not giving up. We’re going to continue to push as hard as we can.” 

The White House did not respond to a question regarding which hostage Biden was referencing. However, he did speak to Goldberg-Polin’s family on Sunday after he was identified as one of the hostages discovered dead.

 “I am devastated and outraged,” Biden wrote in a statement after meeting with the family, saying, “Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes.”

Over the weekend, the bodies of Hersh Goldberg-Polin and five other hostages were discovered by Israeli forces. Still, the American Left and Joe Biden think Hamas would be receptive to a ceasefire agreement. 


They’re executing hostages, you idiots. So, no, Hamas is being rewarded by the Biden administration, not punished here.

There have been too many mental trip-ups regarding the president to count. Before Biden quit, he claimed to have spoken with dead European leaders, almost wandered off during the G7 Summit in Italy, and claimed to have known Vladimir Putin for over 40 years during his visit to Normandy in June.

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