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They Visited the Biden White House At Least 50 Times, And Their War Cry Is 'F**k White Women'

AP Photo/John Bazemore

Now, the Fox News headline said Kamala Harris’ ties to these women could upend Democratic Party unity. Let’s slow down a second: the Democrats are united, energized, and are back to raising mountains of cash now. Sure, things could shatter, but I’m not convinced that Harris’ ties to these two women, who are unhinged leftists, are going to create a problem. On the other hand, if it does, this is a reload of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright nonsense that forced Obama to cut ties with his church during the 2008 election. Meet Cora Masters Barry and Melanie Campbell, who have visited the Biden White House at least 50 times combined (via Fox News):


Weeks before President Biden and Harris were sworn into office in 2021, Barry and Campbell participated in a public Zoom call in which they made controversial statements about Trump supporters and used an expletive against White voters, specifically White women, which could cause some internal clashes as different coalitions mobilize to try to get Harris into the White House. 

Approximately 164,000 White women hopped on a Zoom call last week, which was organized by Moms Demand Action founder Shannon Watts and other female celebrities. The call, titled "White Women: Answer the Call," reportedly raised millions of dollars for Harris' campaign and could be a major fundraising force over the next few months. 

However, the unearthed comments from the two activists could cause some internal tension for the Harris campaign as they look to mobilize different voting blocs and have called for "Unity."

"If you claim to stand for unity, you need to do more than just use the word," Harris recently said. 

"We have to change our strategy. We got to get our people. We have to get our – they got their people. They got all the trailer parks all covered," Barry said during the Zoom. "All them people up in West Virginia and the hills, they're covered. They got them all the way there to Wall Street." 

"[Trump] did that, and we're sitting here talking about the White women. F--- the white women– excuse me – forget the White women. They’re going to do what the White men tell them to do," Barry continued, eliciting laughter and clapping from Campbell. 


Barry went on to say that the Black community has to "get real serious about organizing to elect Kamala Harris as the next President of the United States" and that she doesn't "want no women's parade." 

"If they have another Women's March - I'll go over there and blow it up," Barry said. 


It’s not good, but certainly unsurprising that lefty black activists have issues with white women. Even left-wing single, college-educated women have problems with one another: women hating women isn’t new. Is this a Bill Ayers or Wright revelation? No. And even if it were more serious, I doubt it would resonate with such a short timeframe. Less than 16 weeks from Election Day, and Google and other tech giants are already meddling with the search results. It’s the only explanation for how weird it can take off like it did regarding Trump and the GOP.   

You should definitely keep an eye on these folks, but attacking Harris’ record and her outlandish remarks on the stump is the way to go right now. There’s a tweet and a video for everything.

This, on the other hand, is a bigger concern:

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