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Bill Maher Nails Why Immigrants Are Now Backing Donald Trump

Janet Van Ham/HBO via AP

The man will speak with anyone, and I’d never thought Bill Maher and Fabio (yeah, of all people) would dive into why immigrants are now hopping on the Trump train. A majority of Hispanic voters now support Donald Trump more on immigration, along with backing mass deportation of illegal aliens. It’s an issue that Maher has said could undo the Democrats, though that’s before the disastrous June 27 debate Joe Biden had against Donald Trump.


On the July 1 episode of Maher's podcast, Club Random, the ‘I Can’t Believe It’s Not Butter spokesman reiterated the evergreen point that we Americans don’t know how lucky we have it. 

Maher agreed: 

They do not. You know who does? The immigrants. That's why Trump is gaining with immigrants all the time. He does better and the Democrats do worse. Cause immigrants do not like the relentless negativity that is coming from the left about a country they worked so hard to get to. They don't wanna see it shit upon. Imagine walking a thousand miles or whatever it takes to get here. And then, ‘This place sucks. Oh, you walked to get here? Oh, well, I guess the joke's on you. You're in s**thole now.’ No, we came from the s**thole.” 

It's also an issue where there’s no real Democratic Party advantage, a point that liberal data scientist David Shor has warned the party about for years. Support for amnesty and a pathway to citizenship barely breaks 50 percent among Hispanic voters, which has been constant for over a decade. Shor advised Democrats to move toward issues where a true broad coalition could form, like around health care policy, where Democrats hold an advantage over Republicans. Instead, the party went woke, and now a lot of people see them as either insane or rabid antisemites.


These folks are celebrating Independence Day with the rest of the normal folks. The Left is raging about how America is awful. In other words, a day that ends in "y" for leftists. 


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