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The Wall Street Journal Publishes Another Damning Piece About Biden's Mental Health

AP Photo/Gerald Herbert

They all knew. They, being the Democrats, foreign officials, the media—everyone knew Joe Biden was cooked. They still allowed him to run because of political bias and anti-Trump sentiments. Trump Derangement Syndrome has been destructive to this nation, and we’re seeing its results in real-time. The press has reported on Biden’s mental lapses, but it’s usually evaporated into the ether. His staff either pivot or deflect what we all know to be true. Given Biden’s debate performance Thursday, the press had a duty to expose how badly the president’s mental health has deteriorated. They didn’t due to anti-Trump shenanigans. Now, they’re freaking out, along with Democrats, because Trump is heading for a Reagan-style victory if nothing changes. 


The liberal press eviscerated the Wall Street Journal for their piece about the president’s declining mental health, whereas MSNBC called it a hit piece. It turned out to be true if you watched the debate. Now, the publication is doing another victory lap of sorts, reporting on what European leaders saw at the G7 Summit in Italy, which the Biden camp refuted, arguing that the president didn’t skip a beat. Is that why he was too gassed to attend the summit dinner (via WSJ): 

Biden’s closest advisers defiantly beat back suggestions that the 81-year-old president showed signs of decline. 

Minutes into Thursday night’s presidential debate, the concerns began gushing into the open.

 Yet they had already become increasingly apparent in Washington’s corridors of power and across the world for months. In interviews, top officials abroad and Democrats said they have witnessed other moments when Biden’s behavior concerned them. Some were quickly relieved when Biden appeared to regain his footing. Others were left shaken by the experiences. 

European officials had already been expressing worries in private about Biden’s focus and stamina before Thursday’s debate, with some senior diplomats saying they had tracked a noticeable deterioration in the president’s faculties in meetings since last summer. There were real doubts about how Biden could successfully manage a second term, but one senior European diplomat said U.S. administration officials in private discussions denied there was any problem. 

The White House disputed the characterization that Biden has stumbled on the world stage. “Foreign leaders see Joe Biden up close and personal,” said National Security Council spokeswoman Adrienne Watson. “They know who they are dealing with, how effective he has been, and how important his leadership is on the world stage.” 

Diplomats described Biden’s performance at the Group of Seven summit in Italy in mid-June as mixed, with Biden appearing physically frailer than in the past but alert in many of the most important discussions.

 Biden missed the summit’s dinner party in a medieval castle, an off-camera and less- scripted part of the summit in which leaders often exchange views more candidly. He was the only G-7 leader not to attend the meal; the White House told reporters in advance he wouldn’t be there because it would be a “jam-packed two days” of meetings. Biden instead held an event with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and had a news conference. 

The next day, Biden followed through on his plans to forgo a Swiss peace summit on Ukraine to attend a California fundraiser instead, frustrating Ukrainian officials who had organized the conference in Switzerland directly after the G-7 in the hope that Biden would come from Italy. 

Top White House officials disputed any portrait of a president slipping during his European trip, which included 12-hour days chock-full of meetings. “He didn’t miss a beat,” said Daleep Singh, the deputy national security adviser


Biden missed many beats during his critical showdown with Trump. It goes beyond the poor debate talking point. Biden straight-up was lost on most issues and answers. He couldn’t attack Trump, defend his record, or speak clearly on his vision of America. That’s probably to our benefit, as Biden’s vision is one of chaos, lawlessness, and abject poverty. Mr. Singh, your boss can’t do the job past 4pm. Between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. is when he’s functional. He’s Drool McCool after that period. 

We saw it in the conservative media. The Europeans saw it, along with their respective media outlets. Questions about Biden’s mental health isn’t hackery—it’s a concern shared by most voters. All the narratives about Biden being sharp, incisive, a night owl, and a policy ninja behind closed doors got shot, stabbed, set on fire, and then run over with a tank after the debate. 

They knew, but for the sake of power, they decided to keep abusing this old man.


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