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How the Liberal Media Is Coping With Trump's Historic Level of Black Voter Support

AP Photo/John Locher

CNN’s Harry Enten did a deep dive, and it appears to have freaked out some members of the liberal media. After years of assuming robust support for the Democratic Party would remain among black voters, those under 50 are drifting away from Joe Biden in droves. He was ahead by 80 points in 2020 with this voter bloc; it’s now 37. Sure, it's a healthy advantage, but that’s a massive drop in four years. Also, no one expects Trump to win black voters outright, but breaking 20 percent, where the former president sits right now, is game-changing. 


Even worse, there’s no sign that this trend could be reversed. Biden doesn’t have the political skills or the mental capacity to lead a full-blown, all-out blitz to push back against the narrative that his presidency is one of all-time disappointment and chaos. It’s theatrics-heavy but light on policy and governing. Voters are seeing that now, with the numerous instances of Biden short-circuiting. Eighty-six percent think he’s too old to run again. That figure is nearly impossible to whittle down to manageable levels, and Democrats don’t have the time. 

So, how did the folks at MSNBC react to Trump’s record-breaking support with black voters? They expounded on how dumb black people are. Black people are being conned by disinformation, a talking point we should expect whenever data and polls blow up a manufactured liberal narrative. The fact that liberal reporters are going to try once again to figure out why people support Trump is also hilarious. For years, they’ve tried—they can’t do it. The mindset of the archetypal liberal in America is too snobby, self-righteous, and dense to grasp why people like Trump and despise them:


Joy Reid had a similar take, which we’ll get to later, but you know the game: if it’s something that makes Democrats look bad, it’s disinformation or Russian propaganda. If that doesn’t work, reload the ‘danger to democracy’ line. For Biden’s brain malfunctions, the deepfake/cheap fake line is being tested. It won’t work because even foreign press members noted and reported on Biden’s aloof state at the G7 Summit in Italy. These are the counterpoints you use when you have nothing. No record, no issues to tout, nothing but ‘Trump is bad; I love abortion; and we need the rich to pay their fair share in taxes'—all of which are not even on most Americans’ radar. 


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