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Kamala Harris' Jimmy Kimmel Appearance Devolved Into Total Chaos When CODEPINK Arrived

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Vice President Kamala Harris’ appearance on Jimmy Kimmel’s show had to be reshot because activists from the far left-wing group Code Pink sprung an ambush. From the audience, multiple Code Pink operatives hurled insults, chiding the vice president for enabling genocide in Gaza. One man is seen waving a Palestinian flag. While being escorted out, they pepper Harris one last time, asking how many babies she has killed and why she supports continued funding to Israel.


“15,000 babies dead because of you!” 

“Stop the genocide!” 

“You’re a murderer!” 

“Real babies have been beheaded, not the fake babies that Joe Biden said he saw,” shouted another activist.   

Once escorted out, a security guard from Jimmy Kimmel Live told this crew they were under arrest for interrupting a live television broadcast, which these activists scoffed at. He’s later seen locking them in the studio. 

You all know that the 15,000 figure is Hamas propaganda. The United Nations and Hamas have revised the actual death toll; the UN figures were reduced by 50 percent, not that anyone here noticed. Palestinians are dead because Hamas started a war with Israel. It’s Hamas’ fault, not Israel’s, but I’m not going to stop the far left from eating its own here. 


Also, here's your answer for the Biden strategists who thought cutting off arms shipments would impact these people. The ‘win Michigan by spitting on Israel’ strategy for 2024 isn’t working out. Also, you can see why Democrats are probably paralyzed with fear that similar antics could happen at the Democratic National Convention this summer. 


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