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The Liberal Media Is Going to Push This Talking Point Hard

Justin Lane/Pool Photo via AP

The liberal media is about to hit on the ‘Trump is a felon’ line hard, so just point and laugh, folks. One of the Democratic Party’s biggest allies has not had a lot of good news to talk about since Joe Biden’s presidency was a miserable failure. Donald Trump being found guilty on all counts in this cockamamie hush money trial isn’t a shock, given the venue and the jury pool. ABC News’ reaction to the Trump verdict is typical of state-run media: this verdict is a gift for Democrats.


In what universe is that true? Even CNN is saying that the verdict is bound to animate the Republican Party base more than Democrats. Biden can’t be overly celebratory for obvious reasons, not least being that he is ridden with dementia.

The media is going to hammer the ‘Trump is a felon’ talking point, which will have zero impact on this race. The second part is the nauseating analysis and fawning over Alvin Bragg, who networks have already credited for delivering a convincing argument during trial. He didn’t. The judge tipped the scales, and the verdict was already a pre-packaged conclusion from all 12 jurors before closing arguments. 


Let the Left wallow in fantasyland. We have work to do to win this election, then later deal with these traitors in our legal system.


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