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An MSNBC Host Actually Said This to Explain How We're All Too Dumb to Know How Good We Have It

Photo by Evan Agostini/Invision/AP

I would have blown my stack if I still worked at the Media Research Center. The economy remains an issue that’s frustrated the Biden White House and the media because no one is buying their snake oil. They say the economy is booming. It’s not. Most jobs were folks returning to their pre-pandemic places of employment. That’s not job creation. Most reports are revised after their initial publication. The first quarter GDP report was abysmal. The stock market is no longer a reliable gauge of economic health. We knew this back when Obama was president. And now, the media is stuck in the ‘don’t believe your lying eyes’ mode on an issue that could decide whether Joe Biden gets a second term or not. 


Only MSNBC would cite this in a segment and proclaim it as some silver bullet in the debate over the economy. Before yanking Austan Goolsbee, a former Obama economic official, for an “explainer,” host Stephanie Ruhle cited Wendy’s $3 breakfast as a sign of financial health that we peasants can’t explain because we don’t know better:

A former Rolling Stone editor, Matt Taibbi, has also taken the media to task for belittling, denigrating, and denying that most Americans don’t see Biden or his agenda as some economic juggernaut. Credit card debt has soared under Biden. You cannot say things have never been better when American families have no savings, mountains of debt, and inflation at unacceptable levels. The inability of Democrats to deal with that shows a lack of empathy and burgeoning smugness that’s engulfed the Left. If you don’t accept their views, they smear you as a country bumpkin. If the Left can’t spin it, you’re the problem 


Jimmy Carter tried that in 1980, blaming the economy on a national malaise. How did that turn out for him?   

As Nicholas Fondacaro, who clipped the Ruhle segment, quipped, the Democrats' latest economic plan could be summed up as this phase: “Let them eat Wendy’s.”

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