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Why Marilyn Mosby Is at Risk of Losing Her Law License

In January, there were rumblings that Marilyn Mosby, former State’s Attorney for Baltimore, was in serious legal trouble. She was slapped with federal charges regarding making false statements on a mortgage application. Now, she faces more legal entanglements, jeopardizing her legal career. Ms. Mosby was convicted on two counts of perjury (via CBS News): 


Maryland Bar Counsel is looking to suspend former Baltimore State's Attorney Marilyn Mosby's license to practice law. 

The petition filed last Friday by the Attorney Grievance Commission of Maryland seeks to suspend her license immediately because of her conviction for perjury last month. 

The 28-page document details that Mosby violates the Attorneys' Rules of Professional Conduct, therefore calling for her to lose her license. 

"There is no doubt that at some point this proceeding was going to take place, it was just a question of when," Baltimore attorney Adam Ruther said. 

In November, Mosby was convicted on two counts of perjury. 

Jurors found Mosby lied to take money out of her retirement account, saying she suffered COVID-related losses for her Mahogany Elite travel business.

CBS News added that jury selection for the trial concerning the mortgage charges is set for January 18, 2024. 

Mosby was the prosecuting attorney who tried to toss six Baltimore police officers in jail on charges ranging from manslaughter to second-degree murder over the controversial arrest and detainment of Freddie Gray in 2015. Gray died in custody after suffering a fatal spinal cord injury, setting off riots in the city. There were four trials, where three officers were found not guilty. 


A mistrial was declared for the fourth, but the charges were later dropped. The other two officers had their charges dropped as well. There were allegations of prosecutorial misconduct, but Mosby’s failure was a classic example of state attorneys overcharging and kowtowing to political pressure—all of which blew up in their faces.  

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