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London Man Blurts Out Some Inconvenient Facts to a Bunch of Anti-Israel Protesters

AP Photo/Kin Cheung

A man in London appears to have had it with the anti-Israel rallies in his community. The clip does not include context as to what set him off, whether it be a comment by a bystander or whatnot, but he unleashed on the band of pro-Hamas supporters, saying that hating Israel and Jews is fashionable.


He didn’t stop there in his tirade. He torched the false genocide narrative, pointing to the Palestinian population explosion while noting that many of the ladies in the pro-terrorist crowd wouldn’t be allowed to do anything if they were in Gaza, which is true. Besides the rigid protocols Muslim women must adhere to in these parts, they need a male chaperone just to leave their homes. Try telling that to Western women. 

“It’s us, the problem is us, isn’t it,” he screamed. “You think tomorrow, if there was no Israel, this problem would be solved?” he added. 


“They f**king kill each other…these people are f**king idiots.” 

In 2007, Hamas took the Gaza Strip by force and gunned down members of the opposing Fatah Party in the streets; some were thrown off roofs. And shockingly, after Protective Edge in 2014, Hamas tortured, kidnapped, and murdered Palestinians accused of collaborating with the Israelis. Even Amnesty International, a notorious anti-Israel activist hub, reported on this.


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