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Palestinian Americans: Hamas Had No Choice But to Rape, Torture, and Kidnap Israelis

AP Photo/Bilal Hussein

I’m done with these people, and I’ve heard a ton of insane stuff: from Bigfoot to UFOs, to Joe Biden’s body double to Paul McCartney being replaced with a look and sound alike—I can stomach a lot of crazy. On the Israeli-Palestinian issue, there is no tolerance anymore. These people have been given many chances to get it together and quit their terrorist ways, but they’ve opted to turn the Gaza Strip into a radical Islamic bomb factory that must be turned into rubble. 


On October 7, Hamas terrorists slaughtered at least 700 Israelis in a coordinated attack partially financed by Iran, who also provided the training. Not since the Nazi Holocaust have we seen this many Jewish people murdered in a single day. These savages went door-to-door, killing, raping, and kidnapping innocent people.

Anyone who supports Hamas is a terrorist. There’s no debate—it’s a fact. Some members of Congress have openly bashed Israel’s retaliatory measures, even though they are well within their right to turn Gaza into a glass bowl. Other media outlets have tried to trivialize the number of deaths, adding the Palestinian terrorist body count into the mix with the innocent. 

To NBC News’s credit, they did send a reporter to Little Palestine, Illinois, who I think should now come under 24-hour surveillance by our security forces because there appear to be terrorist sympathizers all over this place, though that isn’t shocking. 


Maggie Vespa caught this clip of some ignoramus saying that Hamas had no choice but to rape, kill, and torture innocent people. These are unserious people. They’re dangerous and should be mocked and their opinions ignored, especially when Israel systematically eradicates Hamas from Gaza in the coming days. 

All I can say is happy hunting, Israel. 

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