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Okay, Senate GOP, Fill That Seat

AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

It’s over. As of now, on paper, we have the votes. And Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT) could be on the path to redemption, though he’s still a pathetic weak piece of trash for siding with Democrats over one of the shoddy articles of impeachment against Trump. He should have been expelled from the party for that nonsensical vote. Alas, he decided to be a conservative for once and vowed not to gum up with works as real Republicans try to fill Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacancy. We do have two defections: Sens. Susan Collins (R-ME) and Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) are ‘no’ votes. Collins gets a pass due to Maine’s strangeness as a state. Murkowski has no excuse and should probably just become a Democrat.


Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said last night that they have the votes on the committee to get this nominee through. Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) said there will be a floor vote. Sens. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), Pat Toomey (R-PA), and Cory Gardner (R-CO) are all onboard. We have the votes. It’s ‘go’ time. All loose ends are tied. Ignore the press. Ignore the calls. Ignore Joe Biden. And put Chucky Schumer on mute. Fill the seat.


We have a once in a lifetime opportunity to have an ironclad conservative majority on the Supreme Court. You don’t let that slide because Democrats say otherwise, or because RBG wanted the next president to pick her successor. Her wishes aren’t law. They can be ignored. Chuck says we don’t have the right. We do. We won the 2016 election. We expanded our Senate majority in 2018. We have every damn right and we’re going to do it. So, shut up and just let it happen. That’s directed at all you, Democrats. I’ll say it again. We won. You lost. And RBG didn’t retire. It sucks for you—but that’s how things played out. Also, the rest of the RINO brigade can go to hell as well. I swear—we have some of these clowns pitching a deal to Democrats of not filling RBG’s vacancy in return for a Democratic promise to not pack the courts. Is this for real? On what planet are we on? We’re going to trust the Democrats. And this is why we keep losing, folks. Because we entertained these people as leaders of the moments at a time. Go away. You don’t have the stones for this knife fight. Cookie pusses to the rear. 


This is also an election year. This gets the base ginned up. and it could very well help the GOP keep the Senate, maybe even expand it. Adding more conservatives to the Supreme Court yields dividends. The issue of the Supreme Court helped push Trump over the top in 2016. Period. We’re going to fill this seat before the election. Let’s roll. 

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