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Why This MSNBC Host is Worried About Trump’s Approval Numbers in Handling Wuhan Coronavirus Outbreak

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Well, that’s disgusting. It’s not shocking, but it’s still horrible. The liberal media isn’t concerned about the economy or the death toll from this Wuhan coronavirus epidemic. They want to weaponize this news to tank the markets to increase the chances that Trump gets defeated in November. Their allies on the Hill have done well helping out on the front, blocking a key Wuhan virus relief bill that sent the Dow Jones into a tailspin on Monday. It’s ticked up with the news that this package could pass, but Sen. Bernie Sanders and four GOP senators, including Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), have warned they would block it. Speaker Nancy Pelosi said she would do her best to derail it. It’s ridiculous. 


But even with all of this, the response from the Trump White House has been favorable, with 60 percent of Independents and over a quarter of Democrats giving this administration props for their guidelines in fighting the disease and containing the spread. And yes, this was MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell’s biggest fear—not the butcher’s bill from the Wuhan virus; the spike in Trump’s approval ratings. Newsbusters has more:

During her 12:00 p.m. ET hour show on Wednesday, MSNBC anchor Andrea Mitchell revealed her greatest fear amid the coronavirus pandemic – Donald Trump’s approval ratings going up. She fretted over likely Democratic nominee Joe Biden “having difficulty” getting his message out during the crisis and support for the President “skyrocketing.”

Turning to former Obama administration official Jim Messina, Mitchell anxiously noted: “There is politics involved. We’ve heard very little from, for instance, the more likely, most likely nominee of the Democratic Party, Joe Biden. He’s having difficulty getting – projecting through this crisis as the campaign goes totally on hold.”


We’re also seeing some polls indicating the President’s approval ratings among Democrats and independents skyrocketing to their highest levels yet. Some 60% approval ratings for the way he’s handling this crisis as he continues to hold these briefings. The briefings are working for the President.

In frustration, she added: “No matter what he says, people seem to be seeing him as a leader, at least more people do.”


Yeah, well, Joe Biden sucks and he doesn’t know where he is or what he’s saying half the time. And more people see him as such because Trump is doing a lot to get medical supplies flowing, tests conducted, and treatments distributed as we work on a vaccine. Also, they see the gross overreach from Democrats and their liberal media allies and frankly aren’t listening to your doomsday crap anymore. Actually, a good chunk of the country tuned you guys out long ago. 

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