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The RNC Just Torched Ocasio-Cortez And Her 'Squad's' Presser By Rehashing All The Things That Back Up What Trump Said About Them

AP Photo

This crew was throwing punches at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, but President Trump decided to insert himself into the intra-Democratic Party conflict, telling the Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez wing of the party that they can leave if they’re unhappy with America. That set off a meltdown across the liberal media establishment. The accusations of racism and xenophobia were hurled once again. 


After hours of simmering, Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) said they weren’t going to take Trump’s bait, but then decided to chomp down hook, line, and sinker, with Omar wholeheartedly endorsing the impeachment of Donald trump solely on the basis that he beat Hillary Clinton and didn’t like what he said about them on Twitter. Yes, they peddled the same trash liberal talking points, but impeachment seems to be their main unveiling, which isn’t a shocker, while reaffirming the progressive left that they’re still feisty. 


Oh, and the funny part about this presser is the notion that the president attacked them for no reason other than that they’re women of color. No, from anti-Semitism to Omar pretty much saying that she won’t condemn terrorists, there’s plenty of reasons why this “squad,” this left-wing crew should be raked over the coals. RNC's Liz Harrington went to work on this crew, dredging up all the things that pretty much backed up all of Trump's criticism's of this far left cohort:


Oh, and you bet Trump was watching:

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