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Latest Victim Of Statue Hysteria: Catholic Saints

Over the past few days, Confederate generals have been placed in the crosshairs of the progressive Left. Statues to these Americans who fought on the losing side of our civil war, which bothered no one—and probably still don’t—are being targeted for demolition. Yet, why stop there? Abraham Lincoln, who actually kept the country together and abolished slavery through a constitutional amendment, has been vandalized in Chicago. Now, some are arguing that statues to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington have to come down because they were slave owners. Forget that they helped found this great country. Forget that Washington and Jefferson were our first and third presidents; they’re monsters whose legacy must be sanitized and erased because we must all become woke, or whatever the hell that term means. Now, a Catholic saint has been vandalized in Mission Hills, California (via CBSLA):


Several people stopped by a statue of Father Junipero Serra in a park across from Mission San Fernando on Thursday after a photo made the rounds on social media appearing to show the statue had been vandalized.

A picture circulating Facebook showed the statue spray-painted red and the word “murder” written on Serra in white.

While city officials would not confirm the authenticity of the photo or the clean-up, CBS2 reporter Crystal Cruz saw red paint on Serra’s arm and a swastika on the statue of the child standing next to him.

“Everyone’s entitled to their own public opinions and thoughts,” said Cristian Mendoza. “But once it gets to this level I don’t think it’s right.”

The Daily Wire wrote why there was such animus towards Saint Junipero Serra:

Ever since Pope Francis canonized Father Junipero Serra for Sainthood in 2015, the Left and SJW snowflakes claim he had a violent history toward Native Americans. The LA Times said that "glossing over Junipero Serra's inhumanity was insult to Native Americans."

Archaeology professor Reuben Mendoza of Cal State Monterrey Bay debunked this garbage during the controversy.

"When he died, many native peoples came to the mission for his burial. They openly wept. Others of his colleagues and even colonists believed that he would be made a saint because of the way he had lived his life, a self-effacing life of a martyr,” said Mendoza.


This is going to get worse, isn’t it?

H/T Daily Wire

Correction: Apologies folks–Jefferson was out third president.

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