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Dean's Disgraceful Attack on Mac

Today, Howard Dean referred to John McCain as a "blatant opportunist who doesn’t understand the economy and is promising to keep our troops in Iraq for 100 years.”

Without a doubt, if anyone is a blatant opportunist, it is Howard Dean.  By once again invoking the "100 years" meme, Dean is seeking to advance a bogus argument. 

As Charles Krauthammer pointed out today, the Democrats are shamelessly attempting to mislead the public into believing the ridiculous assertion that John McCain supports a 100 years war.  Per Krauthammer, here's what McCain actually said:

"We've been in Japan for 60 years. We've been in South Korea for 50 years or so." Lest anyone think he was talking about prolonged war-fighting rather than maintaining a presence in postwar Iraq, he explained: "That would be fine with me, as long as Americans are not being injured or harmed or wounded or killed."

Get that Dean?  McCain never said we would be fighting for 100 years.  Because you are obviously of reasonable intelligence, I'll have to assume you are intentionally attempting to mislead the public by implying otherwise.

... How much audacity does Howard Dean have to make this bogus argument the same day it was soundly refuted in The Washington Post, among other places?

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