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Here's How Much Money Trump's Campaign Fundraised After His Guilty Verdict

AP Photo/Matt Rourke

On Friday, former President Donald Trump's campaign announced that he raised over $34.8 million after he was found guilty on 34 counts in his New York "hush money" trial. 


"From just minutes after the sham trial verdict was announced, our digital fundraising system was overwhelmed with support, and despite temporary delays online because of the amount of traffic, President Trump raised $34.8 million dollars from small dollar donors," Trump campaign senior advisers Chris LaCivita and Susie Wiles said in a joint statement. 

"Not only was the amount historic, but 29.7 percent of yesterday's donor's were brand new donors to the WinRed platform," they continued. "President Trump and our campaign are immensely grateful for this outpouring of support from patriots across our country. President Trump is fighting to save our nation and November 5 is the day Americans will deliver the real verdict."

In a statement, Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Whatley said that these numbers are a reflection that the American people support Trump.


“More than 485,000 donors have contributed $34.8 million since the verdict in the New York show trial was announced last night. The American people stand behind President Trump in the face of this unprecedented weaponization of the judicial system and we are laser-focused on investing these resources to get out the vote, protect the ballot, and re-elect President Donald J. Trump."

Yesterday, Leah covered how Trump's campaign website redirected visitors to a fundraising page, which promptly crashed, after the guilty verdict was read.

“Is this the end of America? I was just convicted in a RIGGED political Witch Hunt trial: I DID NOTHING WRONG! They’ve raided my home, arrested me, took my mugshot, AND NOW THEY’VE JUST CONVICTED ME!” the message on the site read before it temporarily went down. 


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